Pew survey shows shift in affiliations of young American Jews
The PEW Research Center published a new survey of American Jews, with research conducted throughout 2020. The last major survey by PEW...

Interview on ILTV: Rockets from Lebanon and Regional Tensions
In this continued interview on ILTV together with B. General (res.) Relik Shafrir, I discuss the rockets fired from Lebanon and how...

Interview on ILTV: Israel-Hamas Conflict
I appear on ILTV together with Brigadier General (res.) Relik Shafrir, to discuss Israel's military operation against Hamas. With claims...

Interview on ILTV: International Criticism over Israeli Military Operation
I appear on ILTV with Rudy Rochman to discuss what Israel can do against international criticsm and outrage over Israel's military...

Interview on ILTV: How to Deal with Israeli-Arab Mob Violence
In this interview on ILTV, I appear with Rudy Rochman and Religious Zionist Party MK Simcha Rothman to discuss how Israel should respond...

Interview on RT Russian International Television on Israel-Hamas Conflict
I was interviewed on RT Russian International Television on the recent fighting between Israel and Hamas. I explain what life is like...

Interview on BBC Persian on Recent Conflict between Israel and Hamas
With rockets literally flying overhead, I duck out of the bomb shelter to appear on BBC Persian to discuss the recent conflict with...

Interview on ILTV Insider: Israel's Conflict with Gaza and Jerusalem Violence
I appeared on ILTV Insider to discuss at length Israel's recent conflict with Hamas in Gaza as well as the violent tensions in Jerusalem....

Interview on ILTV on Israel-Hamas Conflict
I brief ILTV on the developments in the Israel-Hamas conflict and when we can expect the fighting to wind down, what Hamas' intentions...

Interview on ILTV Insider: Tensions in Jerusalem and Beginning of Conflict with Hamas
I appeared on ILTV Insider to discuss, at length, the tensions in Jerusalem and the beginning of the military campaign against Hamas. I...